
Wander amongst over 150,000 sunflowers
Lichfield Sunflowers
Sunflowers will be available to buy when they are in flower. Entry to the sunflowers is included in the Summer Maize Maze ticket. Alternatively, a limited number of sunflower-only tickets are released once the sunflowers are in full bloom. These can only be purchased in advance online.
If you wish to pick your own, we advise that you bring gloves, a bag and secateurs with you, although we may have a few spares that we can lend to you.
Children are not permitted to use secateurs on our site to cut sunflowers. Please do not try to snap the sunflowers, as this will damage them.
Please follow us on Facebook & Instagram to see the sunflower progress and to know when they are in bloom.

Come & Visit Us
We plant our maize, sunflowers and pumpkins in May as well as strips of special bumblebee and butterfly wildflower mix to support and promote the biodiversity of our beautiful farm. With plenty of sun and rain, and lots of tender loving care from farmer Richard, a lush and beautiful field of maize, sunflowers and wildflowers appears just in time for the summer holidays! After everyone has been to explore and enjoy our maze and sunflowers throughout the summer and early autumn, it is all hands to the deck to get ready for some spooky Halloween fun! Our incredible Pumpkin House is erected and some rather funny and slightly spooky visitors appear! What will they be doing this year??? Don’t forget to have your annual family photograph in our Pumpkin House! At the end of October, our maize is harvested for cattle feed and our sunflowers are left uncut to provide food and shelter for our wonderful birdlife throughout the winter months. We will keep you up to date with the progress of our crops on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Please follow us and tag us in your social media feeds, use hashtag #lichfieldmaizemaze
family friendly
farm life
connect with nature
outdoor exercise
Sunflower Photography
Please come and take lots of photos of our maize maze and our beautiful sunflowers which we
anticipate being in flower throughout August (depending on the great British weather!).
We also welcome both professional and amateur photographers to use our sunflowers and maize maze for photo shoots, however,
we would ask photographers to contact us to pre book visits with us, and for this there will be a small fee (please see Photographer’s Pass in booking link).
We can facilitate separate sessions specifically for photographers so that you can work in a quiet and less busy environment.
We reserve the right to determine if a photo shoot is of a commercial nature, and if not pre-arranged accordingly, the photographer
may be asked to leave.
Drones are not permitted so please just bring your hand-held cameras, phones, eyes and loved ones to enjoy our maize maze and sunflowers.
You are welcome to share pictures of your time here on your social media channels.
Please tag us in your photos and use the hashtag #lichfieldmaizemaze